Blog (Page 2)
Thanks for checking out our blog!  Here you’ll find occasional reflections on the intersection of faith and everyday life as we try to more deeply discern our work and witness in the modern world.

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Blog (Page 2)

What’s In A Name?

In the scriptures, names have meaning and power. We are invited to reflect on our own names and the name God calls us and live into that meaning and power.

Living Into The Label

[Note: Today’s guest blog is written by Michael Stachura. Michael and his wife, Allyson, have been members of Spiritus for 10 years. He says, “we try to live a Mother Earth friendly lifestyle including managing our multi-acre veg and flower gardens in Honeoye Falls chemical free while providing  a healthy habitat for butterflies, pollinators and birds.” Thanks for your contribution today, Michael!] Lately I have been reflecting on labels, and how we name things and people to give them meaning.  For example,…

Catch and Release

In today's readings, we witness the perpetual cycle of ending and rebirth and are invited to surrender to this mystery.

A Journey Of Consent

Through practices like Centering Prayer, we offer an ongoing and ever-deeper consent to God's will and action in our lives.

Coming Home To Ourselves

Our lives are full of limitation and promise. At our core, however, God assures us that we are enough - however much we can bring today.